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Hey everyone!

So I'm really, really excited, because Ms. Kelley Armstrong has agreed to be a guest-blog at Twisted Kingdom!!! Isn't that great news? She will have a guest-blog post (TBA date) and an interview on May 1st!

So if you have any questions you'd like to ask to Kelley Armstrong, author of the Women of the Otherworld series, please email them at thetwistedk@gmail.com by the end of the week-end (Sunday April 22, midnight). I can't guarantee 100% that we'll ask them, but it's worth a try! :D

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Now to think of a half decent questions to ask!

I've never read any of her books, but I've heard nothing but good things about them.

About this blog

Welcome to Twisted Kingdom - a review site for science fiction and fantasy books.

There have been some recent changes, most obviously the template, so please bear with us while we set up our links and arrange the reviews on our sidebar.

Please drop us a line at thetwistedk@gmail.com if you notice any craziness, broken links or if you'd like us to add you to our link list.

About Me

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Since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with books. Early photos show me with a book in hand, even if it was not exactly my reading level... My first word was a made-up word meaning 'book', actually. I suppose I had my priorities at an early age... Over the years my interest in books has become one of the defining features of who I am as a person. You can probably call me a bookworm. While I have other interests, reading will always be the one I talk about the most, even if I am not focusing on it as much as I used to.



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